As Bill and I have melded these few months of early married life, we have noticed a few things about our relationship.  We enjoy each other, our intimate walk with Jesus, our morning devotions in the Word, and of course, Joe…coffee, that is.

          It’s been my custom to sit with my Bible, Sarah Young’s Jesus Calling, Uncle Ozzie’s (as we fondly refer to Oswald Chambers) My Utmost for His Highest, and I am never far away from a notebook or journal with a pen for note taking.  I don’t know if you’d call me a “scribe” exactly, but some in our circles have said so.

          This week, I realized again, what a blessing it is to be married to my William.   I admire his wisdom and I find myself sitting at his feet to drink in every word, to write down as much as I can and line upon line, things happen in our morning time.  We seem to see what’s not always obvious and because we desire to cooperate in that, this blog was born. 

          I forget exactly how we arrived at this topic today.  As is our custom, we read from Jesus Calling and as usual, her message sparked something in his memory.  Bill remembered a time when he was asking the Lord to reveal a deeper meaning about a scripture from Proverbs.  What does it mean to “welcome the wise?”  Here’s a bit of what we discussed as he shared the distinctions between wisdom, knowledge and understanding.

1.      It’s not just about a bigger library or having more friends.

2.     I want you to orient your life around Wisdom-not just to gain someone else's wisdom.

3.      I want Wisdom to grow in you effectively.  It’s invisible in you until you develop the spiritual muscles to appropriate it in your life.  In other words, don’t just read Francis Schaeffer to learn wisdom, but apply F.S. to your spiritual muscle.

4.      Knowledge is accumulated facts that bow to God.

5.  Wisdom is applied knowledge that embraces and obeys knowledge according to God…in other words, don’t leave the things you know, BUILD ON THEM.

6.  Understanding is not just a book on a shelf or mere comprehension.  Understanding is APPLIED wisdom that respects and bows to honor God.

        This is a picture of progressive wisdom that should be evident in every Christian’s life… “Incrementalism as a maturation tool.”  Old things have passed away and all things become new. (1 Cor 5:17) We are becoming new every day. (John 1:12)  Because we believe, He has given us the right, the power to become WHO we are, the children of God.  Keep becoming who you are to be.  

(c) Copyright 2014


  1. As usual, the blending of our thoughts yields a quality that neither of us manifest alone. Jesus is famous for packing tremendous amounts of content into a huge economy of words. Kate has similar qualities. That which I shared with her expended MANY words. Thank you Kate.


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